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Why your great partnerships work for your customers?

Why your great partnerships work for your customers?

Thursday 19th March 2020

When planning marketing campaigns for your customers it pays to have strategic partnerships in place to deliver the services that may not fall within your speciality. Finding those reliable partners who you trust to provide the service that you expect your clients to receive is a matter of the basic business requirements of getting to know them, of them getting to understand your business and then delivering that service.

In an internet marketing forum recently, a member was asking for recommendations for print services. The responses were almost unanimous in saying that the remote online services produced an acceptable level of print quality, what was lacking was interaction. We have talked before in our blogs about the impact your leaflets can have with the right choice of paper size and quality making them stand out from the crowd. Getting that choice, and the advice born of experience in what works in your client's marketplace means you need to be able to pick up the phone or meet with your print partner. The costs in terms of time and miscommunication that may result from online purchases can mount up, as can the frustration of your customer.

In a smaller marketing agency, the graphic design resource may be limited. If it is an agency focussed mainly in the digital arena, they may have relatively little experience of design for print. This is another area where a strategic partnership can be valuable. Communication is again the main reason for selecting a local design and print partner. Many of the online design and print services are based on different continents, let alone different cities and the quote attributed to George Bernard Shaw "England and America are two countries separated by a common language" is never truer than in our approach to marketing.

The last main partnership is in distribution, again a topic we have covered before, and the one where local knowledge really is the only option. Having a stack of leaflets land in your office and then needing to get them into the marketplace can pose problems. If these have been designed and printed with the expectations of your clients' customers in mind, and a familiarity with local business conditions, then the chances of getting the maximum impact from your campaign will be greatly enhanced.

At The Design Print Distribution Group, we provide a full range of support to marketing agencies of all sizes. We can handle all your print requirements from simple flyers to large PVC banners. We can provide a full design service and then get your materials into the hands of the target market through leaflet drops or by direct mail.
Get in touch to learn more about how we can help your customers.